GIRI’s Organization

Executive Committee

Dr. Carla Holandino
Vice President 1
Dr. Igor Jerman
Vice President 2
Dr. Steven J Cartwright
Dr. Adalberto von Ancken
Dr. Alexander Tournier
Prof. Dr. Leoni Bonamin

Main Board

Dr. Maria Olga Kokornaczyk

Dr. Leoni Bonamin

Dr. Carla Holandino

Dr. Denise Aleixo

Dr. Dorly Buchi

Dr. Steven Cartwright

Dr. Cideli P Coelho

Dr. Paul Christian Endler

Dr. Igor Jerman

Dr. Marta Marzotto

Dr. Tatiana Novosadyuk

Dr. Carolina Oliveira

Dr. Nirmal Sukul

Dr. Alexander Tournier

Dr. Adalberto von Ancken

History of GIRI

GIRI (Groupe International de Reherche sur l’Infenitésimal), the International Research Group on Very Low Dose and High Dilution Effects, was founded by Prof. Madeleine Bastide (1939-2007) and René-Philippe Halm in 1985.

The idea to create an international, independent, and legislatively unrestricted meeting on homeopathy came to GIRI founders after they had participated in a congress on unconventional and alternative medicine organized in Monaco by HSH Princess Antoinette de Monaco. Since GIRI’s goals were too specific for the broad context of the Monaco congress, it was decided to create GIRI independently, as new organization, however still in collaboration with the congress.


Prof. Madeleine Bastide

Already in the first year of GIRI’s activity 12 researchers working in different fields of science participated in the GIRI meeting and it become clear that such an interdisciplinary and international meeting on homeopathy is requested.

Shortly later, in 1990, GIRI’s members decided to become independent also from the structures of Monaco and GIRI was listed in the French Journal Officiel becoming so a totally independent organization. In 2016 GIRI was re-founded as an independent scientific association in accordance to the Swiss low.

From its beginnings till now GIRI grew becoming a great international community of researchers working on homeopathy and high dilutions. Recently GIRI unites more then 200 members coming from 20 different countries.

Approximately every 10 years GIRI’s editors launch a book of the series Signal and Images, containing the most interesting lectures presented in the meetings. The book is available on line at: Since 2006, GIRI assumed to be the scientific sponsor of the open-access International Journal of High Dilutions Research (IJHDR):

GIRI’s goals are:

  • Organization of yearly workshops providing to the participants the possibility to present their studies in the field of basic or clinical homeopathy research. This aim includes collecting and reviewing of abstracts, assignment of the approved abstracts for oral or poster presentations, notification of authors, planning of a conference schedule, and organization of a venue.
  • Hosting of the International Journal of High Dilution Research (IJHDR).
  • Publishing of the GIRI-meeting proceedings in IJHDR.
  • Emission of a regular newsletter.
  • Supporting and facilitating of the establishment of national and international scientific collaboration projects in the field of basic and clinical research in homeopathy.
  • Promoting high quality basic and clinical research in homeopathy.
  • Collaboration with other organs pursuing similar aims.